
Computer Department

Academics > Computer Department

About Computer Departments


The Department of Computer Engineering was started in the year 2018 with the vision to produce ethical and knowledgeable diploma holders in Computer Engineering diploma Programme. The 3 years Diploma Programme in Computer Engineering is meant for the students who have passed 10th standard. The Department has highly qualified, experienced, motivated and dedicated teaching faculty. They are actively involved in Development activities in the emerging areas of Computer Engineering. The department has well equipped 5 laboratories with 24 hours Internet facility.

The aim of Computer Engineering program is to provide industry based teaching learning skills, participation in industry academic events and generating ethical and entrepreneurship skills in the students.The courses offered in this program have been designed to meet the demands of the current trend of an IT industry.

ProgrammeDiploma in Computer Engineering
Year of Establishment 2018
Head Of Department Mr. P.D.Kate
Email ID
No. of Classroom 03
No. of Laboratories 09
Lecturers 12
Technical Staff 03
  • Our Vision:
    • To produce Ethical and Knowledgeable diploma holders in Computer Engineering.
  • Our Mission:
    • Mission 01 To provide students with curriculum and industry based teaching learning process.
    • Mission 02 To encourage faculty and students to participate in industry academic events.
    • Mission 03 To provide social platform that generate ethical and entrepreneurship skill in students.

Our Diploma Engineers:-

  • PEO1:- Exhibit Competency Evolve as competent computer professionals possessing leadership skills for developing innovative solutions in multidisciplinary domains.
  • PEO2:- Practice Ethical Values Portray ethical values, empathy and gratitude in the industry.
  • PEO3:- Practice Intrapreneurship Provide creative, innovative and sustainable ideas/ solution to perform as Entrepreneur.
  • PEO4: Life Long Learning Involve in lifelong learning to adapt the technological advancements acquired in the emerging areas of computer applications.


Students will be able to:
  • PSO 1:-Computing And Research Ability:- The ability to employ modern computer languages, environments and platforms in creating innovative career paths in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) technologies.
  • PSO 2:- Foundation of Computer System: Able to apply the knowledge and principle of computer system through debugging, troubleshooting and supporting software and hardware system.